RS 12.6- не поднимается реп-агент
Здравствуйте. После переноса ASE 12.5 на другой комп не стартует реп-агент. Started Rep Agent on database, 'syb_stat' (dbid = 4). 00:00000:00045:2019/09/06 17:25:23.87 server Error: 624, Severity: 21, State: 1 00:00000:00045:2019/09/06 17:25:23.87 server Adaptive Server failed to retrieve a row via its RID in database 'syb_stat' because the requested RID has a higher number than the last RID on the page. Rid pageid = 0x6f49b7; row num = 0x16. Page pointer = 0x9819B800, pageno = 7293367, status = 0x1, objectid = 8, indexid = 0, level = 0. 00:00000:00045:2019/09/06 17:25:23.87 server Rep Agent Thread for database 'syb_stat' (dbid = 4) terminated abnormally with error. (major 0, minor 24) 02:00000:00008:2019/09/06 17:27:23.87 server Error: 624, Severity: 21, State: 1 02:00000:00008:2019/09/06 17:27:23.87 server Adaptive Server failed to retrieve a row via its RID in database 'syb_stat' because the requested RID has a higher number than the last RID on the page. Rid pageid = 0x6f5e01; row num = 0x9. Page pointer = 0x94079000, pageno = 7298561, status = 0x1, objectid = 8, indexid = 0, level = 0. Переносил копирование файлов с сохранением имен и путей. Реп-сервер 12.5. DSI нормально поднялся. Подскажите, пожалуйста, можно ли сбросить или переставить точку для реп-агента? И если это возможно без переделки репликации, то как? ... |
Не нравится:
06.09.2019, 18:28 |
RS 12.6- не поднимается реп-агент
A_n_d_r_e_y.P, Resolution Login to the SAP ASE with the primary database (pdb). Use the pdb database and issue: dbcc settrunc('ltm','ignore') Login to the RSSD database of the SAP Replication Server and issue: rs_zeroltm <SAP_ASE_name>, pdb Login to the SAP ASE and use the pdb database and issue: dbcc settrunc('ltm','valid') sp_start_rep_agent pdb ... |
Не нравится:
07.09.2019, 18:33 |
start [/forum/topic.php?fid=55&fpage=1&tid=2009582]: |
0ms |
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11ms |
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12ms |
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3ms |
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43ms |
get tp. blocked users: |
2ms |
others: | 247ms |
total: | 363ms |
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