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12.08.2021, 12:36
Progress bar and download file by FTP with DELPHI |
Hello comrades, I am trying to download .ZIP files from an FTP server with Delphi 10.3.3. To achieve this I am using the TIdFTP component and, apparently, it downloads well although I have the following problems: - It downloads too slow. - When I try to unzip it, I get an error in the head of the FTP file. In addition to the aforementioned (and most importantly), I'm trying to place a progress bar (careful, it doesn't mean it has to be the TProgressBar component, that is, it can be any component). I personally have tried it with TProgressBar and with TGauge. The problem is that I can't get the progress bar to work. I've been reading a lot of links (Please use a translator because this is in Spanish) and a lot of people have experienced problems. Link 1: http://www.clubdelphi.com/~hector/foros/showthread.php?t=56434 Link 2: http://www.clubdelphi.com/~marcsc/foros/showthread.php?t=59442 This I would swear it could work properly, but I don't know how to use it: Link 3: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17498198/indy-ftp-doesnt-load-correctly-a-progress-bar It seems that when this line is executed, the program freezes and does not execute the following lines. Should I create a thread? Help, I don't know how to fix this: Код: pascal 1.
Complete code of my function: Код: pascal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.
... |
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12.08.2021, 12:42
Progress bar and download file by FTP with DELPHI |
You forgot to switch FTP into binary mode. Posted via ActualForum NNTP Server 1.5 ... |
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12.08.2021, 16:41
Progress bar and download file by FTP with DELPHI |
It seems that when this line is executed, the program freezes and does not execute the following lines. Should I create a thread? It is desirable to create an additional thread and load data in it. ... |
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13.08.2021, 08:36
Progress bar and download file by FTP with DELPHI |
Dimitry Sibiryakov, Спасибо товарищ Дмитрий I have solved the FTP download problem, thanks to you. I have also solved the problem with the progress bar, for this I have used the third link. ... |
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