Загрузка JPG в Oracle 11
Добрый день! Новичок в работе с Oracle Forms. Пытаюсь использовать следующий код (естественно указываю свою базу): 1 procedure dbst_load_a_file( p_dir_name in varchar2,p_file_name in varchar2 ) as 2 l_blob blob; 3 l_bfile bfile; 4 begin 5 insert into demo values ( blob_seq.nextval, empty_blob() ) returning theBlob into l_Blob; 6 l_bfile := bfilename( p_dir_name, p_file_name ); 7 dbms_lob.fileopen( l_bfile ); 8 dbms_lob.loadfromfile( l_blob, l_bfile,dbms_lob.getlength( l_bfile ) ); 9 dbms_lob.fileclose( l_bfile ); 10 end; в результате чего получаю ошибки: - на строку 5, а именно на "returning theBlob into l_Blob;" - эта возможность еще не поддерживается на стороне клиента. - Оранич.реализации DBMS_LOB.FILE_READONLY. Прямой доступ к переменной или курсору удаленного пакета невозможен. Как победить эти ошибки или может подскажете другую реализацию загрузки JPG в столбец таблицы. Заранее благодарю! ... |
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02.09.2015, 10:14 |
Загрузка JPG в Oracle 11
Алекс_Одесса, Oracle Forms 11? Загрузка blob с локальной машины? Читаем webutil , demo , или ещё как вариант - Read/Write Image from/to the database table ... |
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02.09.2015, 10:55 |
Загрузка JPG в Oracle 11
mRdUKE, до этого пробовал Webutil_File_Transfer.Client_To_DB(path,'TEMP_ACCESS_PHOTO','IMG_BLOB','ID_PHOTO = '||TO_CHAR(photo_id)) ; но была ошибка, что идентификатор "Webutil_File_Transfer.Client_To_DB" должен быть объявлен. После чего пробовал сделать в Оracle Forms Builder -> Program -> Import Java classes... , где выбрал Oracle-> forms->Webutil->fileTransfer -> fileTransfer и пробовал импортить oracle.forms.webutil.fileTransfer.FileTransfer, но возникло исключение: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/forms/ui/VBean Или пошел неправильным путем? ... |
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02.09.2015, 11:31 |
Загрузка JPG в Oracle 11
Сегодня пошел следующим путем: 1) create_webutil_db.sql запустил; 2) подкинул в папку форм и подгрузил webutil.pll и webutil.olb. Всё компилится без ошибок, но не создается файл webutil.plx. Кто-то может подсказать с чем это может быть связано? 3) пытался подписать файлы frmwebutil.jar and Jacob.jar files с помощью Sign_webutil.bat, но выдается ошибка: "Self-signing Jar files is no longer recommended. Jar files should be digitally signed using a trusted certificate." Файлы были взяты http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/jacob-project/jacob_18.zip В связи с отсутствием webutil.plx и не подписанными frmwebutil.jar and Jacob.jar вылазит ошибка ORA-06508, которую пока не знаю как победить ... |
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03.09.2015, 09:32 |
Загрузка JPG в Oracle 11
Алекс_Одесса, Читаем внимательнее.. How to configure WebUtil to work with your 11g Forms installation. The WebUtil utility is largely configured in your 11g Forms installation. However, there are some additional steps you will need to accomplish in order to make it work properly. 1. Configure your DB for WebUtil by running the script called "create_webutil_db.sql" located in the ORACLE_HOME/forms directory against the schema of your choice. See section 2.4 of the WebUtil User's Guide for details about the package this script creates. Note that the only time you will need to be connected to a DB that contains this package is if: a. You need to regenerate your webutil Form or webutil.pll b. You are using WEBUTIL_FILE_TRANSFER functions related to the DB. IMPORTANT NOTE!!! For Forms 11gR1 (11.1.1.x) you must use jacob 1.10.1. For Forms 11gR2 (11.1.2.X) you must use jacob. 1.14.3. 2. Download the appropriate jacob version. This can be downloaded from jacob download. Note that the url above is a general url to a third party site so it will most likely point to the most recent version of jacob which will be later than the required versions for Forms. The direct url for jacob 1.10.1, when this note was written, was here. The direct url for jacob 1.14.3, when this note was written, was here. However, these locations may change. 3. Unzip the jacob download and place jacob.jar in the ORACLE_HOME/forms/java directory. Important Note related to step 4! There are significant changes related to Jar File signing beginning in the April 2013 CPU patch which may affect your Forms application. Please carefully read Note 1542463.1 and the links to the Java Security related information in that note as well as Note 1594575.1 4. Sign jacob.jar per steps in Note 1076945.1. Note that the steps are a bit different than in 10gR2. Note also that frmwebutil.jar is already signed. 5. If you will be developing with WebUtil using Forms Builder, ensure ORACLE_HOME/forms/java/frmwebutil.jar is contained in the FORMS_BUILDER_CLASSPATH environment variable. 6. Note that two critical files - webutil.pll and webutil.olb - are already located in the ORACLE_HOME/forms directory, which, by default, is in the FORMS_PATH. 7. 11gR1 Specific -> Place jacob.dll in the ORACLE_HOME/forms/webutil/ directory 11gR2 Specific -> a. Place jacob-1.14.3-x86.dll in the ORACLE_HOME/forms/webutil/win32 directory. b. Place jacob-1.14.3-x64.dll in the ORACLE_HOME/forms/webutil/win64 directory. Note: It is recommended not to rename these files as they are already referenced in the webutil.cfg file by these names. 8. Using Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Fusion Middleware Control, make the following modifications to the [webutil] configuration section in the formsweb.cfg: a. Add frmwebutil.jar and jacob.jar to the WebutilArchive parameter in the [webutil] configuration section. For some versions of 11g, this is already added. b. Specify webutil_demo as the form to be run in the [webutil] configuration section. 9. Download the WebUtil demo form from Note 1272222.1 and place it in the ORACLE_HOME/forms directory. We will use this to determine that basic WebUtil functionality is working. NOTE: To configure and use all of the features in the WebUtil demo, you will need to follow all of the steps in the readme that comes with the demo. This is beyond the scope of this note. For purposes of this note, we will just ensure basic WebUtil functionality is working. 10. Regenerate the webutil.pll and the WebUtil Demo Form (webutil_demo.fmb). The following assumes you ran create_webutil_db.sql against the "SCOTT" schema. Modify to reflect your schema. frmcmp.sh module=webutil.pll module_type=library userid=scott/tiger@orcl compile_all=yes frmcmp.sh module=webutil_demo.fmb module_type=form userid=scott/tiger@orcl compile_all=yes NOTE: Ensure that you have no other copies of the pll or plx in locations which are included in FORMS_PATH set in default.env (or your own custom env file) 11. Run the webutil_demo form. You will need to run it referencing the [webutil] configuration section. If you don't have it referenced in the webutil configuration section, then run it as follows: http://machine.domain:port/forms/frmservlet?config=webutil&form=webutil_demo 12. Basic functionality such as "Get Client Info" and "About Webutil" on the "About" tab should function with no errors. When you exit the demo you should be redirected to -> Forms 11g Home Page ... |
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03.09.2015, 10:59 |
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