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Форумы / Отчетные системы [игнор отключен] [закрыт для гостей] / Ошибка коннекта к Report Server
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Ошибка коннекта к Report Server
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Всем привет. Недавно начал знакомство с SQL ( SQL Server 2014) - обучаюсь на локальном сервере: подключения к Database Engine, Analysis Services создаются норм, в первый день и к Reporting Services подключался, теперь выскакивает ошибка :

ЗАГОЛОВОК: Connect to Server

Cannot connect to SIBLING.


Unable to connect to the server at SIBLING. The specified URL might not be valid or there might be a problem with the report server version or configuration. Specify a different URL, or contact your server administrator to verify that the report server runs SQL Server 2008 or later. Additionally, if you are trying to connect to a SharePoint-integrated report server, verify that SharePoint is installed on the server and that the report server uses SharePoint integrated mode. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.RSClient)


Прошу помочь. Спасибо.

Модератор: Тема перенесена из форума "Microsoft SQL Server".
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Ошибка коннекта к Report Server
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After hours of research and trying different things this was eventually solved by

1./ Removing all the urls for webservice and report manager url in Reporting Services Configuration Manager.

2./ Manually editing the rsreportserver.config file and removing any entries between the tags (there were some
not being cleaned up properly )

3./ Restarting the SSRS service, and readding the URL’s with a fresh port number ( I had already tried changing
port numbers earlier with no success)

4. Поиграться с TCP Port в Reporting Services Configuration Manager
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