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Форумы / Unix-системы [игнор отключен] [закрыт для гостей] / UEFI Secure Boot
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UEFI Secure Boot
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Linux Mint
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UEFI Secure Boot is not compatible with the use of third-party drivers.
The system will assist you in toggling UEFI Secure Boot. To ensure that this change is being made by you as an authorized user, and not by an attacker, you must choose a password now and then use the same password after reboot to confirm the change.
If you choose to proceed but do not confirm the password upon reboot, Ubuntu will still be able to boot on your system but the Secure Boot state will not be changed.
If Secure Boot remains enabled on your system, your system may still boot but any hardware that requires third-party drivers to work correctly may not be usable.

Не связано ли это с ошибкой, которую я словил не сколько раз
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Форумы / Unix-системы [игнор отключен] [закрыт для гостей] / UEFI Secure Boot
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