"QUERY PLAN" "Nested Loop (cost=133168.82..133169.12 rows=1 width=48) (actual time=25740.846..25761.356 rows=15 loops=1)" " CTE recipeslanguages" " -> Unique (cost=133168.67..133168.68 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=25729.581..25731.407 rows=8045 loops=1)" " -> Sort (cost=133168.67..133168.67 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=25729.580..25730.329 rows=8045 loops=1)" " Sort Key: trt.idrecipe, trt.idlanguage, (row_number() OVER (?))" " Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 632kB" " -> WindowAgg (cost=133168.63..133168.66 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=25725.655..25728.319 rows=8045 loops=1)" " -> Subquery Scan on trt (cost=133168.63..133168.64 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=25725.648..25726.785 rows=8045 loops=1)" " -> Sort (cost=133168.63..133168.63 rows=1 width=46) (actual time=25725.646..25726.183 rows=8045 loops=1)" " Sort Key: rt.name" " Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 1003kB" " -> Nested Loop (cost=1.58..133168.62 rows=1 width=46) (actual time=2.077..25693.186 rows=8045 loops=1)" " Join Filter: (rt.idrecipe = rt_1.idrecipe)" " Rows Removed by Join Filter: 145694950" " -> GroupAggregate (cost=1.58..132267.25 rows=1 width=136) (actual time=2.057..1058.804 rows=8045 loops=1)" " Group Key: rt_1.idrecipe, rt_1.idlanguage" " Filter: (lower(((array_agg(DISTINCT ingredienttranslate.name))::character varying)::text) ~~ '%перец%'::text)" " Rows Removed by Filter: 10031" " -> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=1.58..108029.80 rows=3187620 width=28) (actual time=0.026..655.745 rows=354798 loops=1)" " Join Filter: (ingredienttranslate.idlanguage = rt_1.idlanguage)" " -> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=1.29..77222.73 rows=1106972 width=12) (actual time=0.022..471.758 rows=354798 loops=1)" " Join Filter: (measuretranslate.idlanguage = rt_1.idlanguage)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=1.00..65030.17 rows=443100 width=16) (actual time=0.015..325.768 rows=328510 loops=1)" " -> Nested Loop (cost=0.58..12439.62 rows=54838 width=12) (actual time=0.013..99.163 rows=40186 loops=1)" " -> Index Scan using rt_idrecipe_index on ""RecipeTranslate"" rt_1 (cost=0.29..1103.89 rows=18111 width=12) (actual time=0.009..11.143 rows=18111 loops=1)" " Filter: (idlanguage = 1)" " Rows Removed by Filter: 11407" " -> Index Scan using rtd_idrecipetranslate_index on ""RecipeTranslateDescription"" rtd (cost=0.29..0.58 rows=5 width=8) (actual time=0.003..0.004 rows=2 loops=18111)" " Index Cond: (""IdRecipeTranslate"" = rt_1.id)" " -> Index Scan using rtdi_idx_measure on ""RecipeTranslateDescriptionIngredient"" rtdi (cost=0.42..0.87 rows=9 width=12) (actual time=0.003..0.004 rows=8 loops=40186)" " Index Cond: (idrecipetranslatedescription = rtd.""ID"")" " -> Memoize (cost=0.28..0.30 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.000..0.000 rows=1 loops=328510)" " Cache Key: rtdi.idmeasure" " Cache Mode: logical" " Hits: 328484 Misses: 26 Evictions: 0 Overflows: 0 Memory Usage: 4kB" " -> Index Only Scan using mt_idmeasure_idlanguage_index on ""MeasureTranslate"" measuretranslate (cost=0.27..0.29 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.004..0.004 rows=1 loops=26)" " Index Cond: ((idmeasure = rtdi.idmeasure) AND (idlanguage = 1))" " Heap Fetches: 34" " -> Memoize (cost=0.30..0.32 rows=1 width=28) (actual time=0.000..0.000 rows=1 loops=354798)" " Cache Key: rtdi.idingredient" " Cache Mode: logical" " Hits: 352464 Misses: 2334 Evictions: 0 Overflows: 0 Memory Usage: 320kB" " -> Index Scan using it_idingridient_idlanguage_index on ""IngredientTranslate"" ingredienttranslate (cost=0.29..0.31 rows=1 width=28) (actual time=0.004..0.005 rows=1 loops=2334)" " Index Cond: ((idingredient = rtdi.idingredient) AND (idlanguage = 1))" " -> Seq Scan on ""RecipeTranslate"" rt (cost=0.00..674.98 rows=18111 width=46) (actual time=0.003..2.373 rows=18111 loops=8045)" " Filter: (idlanguage = 1)" " Rows Removed by Filter: 11407" " InitPlan 2 (returns $5)" " -> Aggregate (cost=0.02..0.03 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=0.895..0.896 rows=1 loops=1)" " -> CTE Scan on recipeslanguages rl_2 (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.000..0.377 rows=8045 loops=1)" " -> Limit (cost=0.06..0.06 rows=1 width=12) (actual time=25736.184..25736.190 rows=15 loops=1)" " -> Sort (cost=0.06..0.06 rows=1 width=12) (actual time=25736.183..25736.186 rows=15 loops=1)" " Sort Key: (min(rl.num_pos))" " Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 26kB" " -> HashAggregate (cost=0.02..0.03 rows=1 width=12) (actual time=25734.175..25735.349 rows=8045 loops=1)" " Group Key: rl.idrecipe" " Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 1193kB" " -> CTE Scan on recipeslanguages rl (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=12) (actual time=25729.582..25732.196 rows=8045 loops=1)" " -> Aggregate (cost=0.05..0.06 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.987..0.987 rows=1 loops=15)" " -> HashAggregate (cost=0.02..0.03 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.129..0.711 rows=8045 loops=15)" " Group Key: rl_1.idrecipe" " Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 937kB" " -> CTE Scan on recipeslanguages rl_1 (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.001..0.412 rows=8045 loops=1)" "Planning Time: 1.071 ms" "Execution Time: 25761.516 ms"