"QUERY PLAN" "Nested Loop (cost=17903.41..17903.71 rows=1 width=48)" " CTE recipeslanguages" " -> Unique (cost=17903.26..17903.27 rows=1 width=16)" " -> Sort (cost=17903.26..17903.26 rows=1 width=16)" " Sort Key: trt.idrecipe, trt.idlanguage, (row_number() OVER (?))" " -> WindowAgg (cost=17903.22..17903.25 rows=1 width=16)" " -> Subquery Scan on trt (cost=17903.22..17903.23 rows=1 width=8)" " -> Sort (cost=17903.22..17903.22 rows=1 width=524)" " Sort Key: rt.name" " -> Nested Loop (cost=17855.71..17903.21 rows=1 width=524)" " -> GroupAggregate (cost=17855.42..17894.88 rows=1 width=136)" " Group Key: rt_1.idrecipe, rt_1.idlanguage" " Filter: (lower(((array_agg(DISTINCT ingredienttranslate.name))::character varying)::text) ~~ '%перец%'::text)" " -> Sort (cost=17855.42..17864.47 rows=3620 width=524)" " Sort Key: rt_1.idrecipe" " -> Hash Left Join (cost=2321.02..17641.44 rows=3620 width=524)" " Hash Cond: ((rt_1.idlanguage = measuretranslate.idlanguage) AND (rtdi.idmeasure = measuretranslate.idmeasure))" " -> Hash Left Join (cost=2313.70..17606.61 rows=3620 width=528)" " Hash Cond: ((rt_1.idlanguage = ingredienttranslate.idlanguage) AND (rtdi.idingredient = ingredienttranslate.idingredient))" " -> Hash Join (cost=2142.71..17297.89 rows=3620 width=16)" " Hash Cond: (rtdi.idrecipetranslatedescription = rtd.""ID"")" " -> Seq Scan on ""RecipeTranslateDescriptionIngredient"" rtdi (cost=0.00..12410.80 rows=722180 width=12)" " -> Hash (cost=2137.11..2137.11 rows=448 width=12)" " -> Hash Join (cost=263.69..2137.11 rows=448 width=12)" " Hash Cond: (rtd.""IdRecipeTranslate"" = rt_1.id)" " -> Seq Scan on ""RecipeTranslateDescription"" rtd (cost=0.00..1638.77 rows=89377 width=8)" " -> Hash (cost=261.84..261.84 rows=148 width=12)" " -> Bitmap Heap Scan on ""RecipeTranslate"" rt_1 (cost=5.43..261.84 rows=148 width=12)" " Recheck Cond: (idlanguage = 1)" " -> Bitmap Index Scan on rt_idlanguage_idrecipe_index (cost=0.00..5.40 rows=148 width=0)" " Index Cond: (idlanguage = 1)" " -> Hash (cost=169.32..169.32 rows=111 width=524)" " -> Bitmap Heap Scan on ""IngredientTranslate"" ingredienttranslate (cost=5.15..169.32 rows=111 width=524)" " Recheck Cond: (idlanguage = 1)" " -> Bitmap Index Scan on it_idlanguage_index (cost=0.00..5.12 rows=111 width=0)" " Index Cond: (idlanguage = 1)" " -> Hash (cost=7.29..7.29 rows=2 width=8)" " -> Bitmap Heap Scan on ""MeasureTranslate"" measuretranslate (cost=4.16..7.29 rows=2 width=8)" " Recheck Cond: (idlanguage = 1)" " -> Bitmap Index Scan on mt_idlanguage_index (cost=0.00..4.16 rows=2 width=0)" " Index Cond: (idlanguage = 1)" " -> Index Scan using rt_idlanguage_idrecipe_index on ""RecipeTranslate"" rt (cost=0.29..8.31 rows=1 width=524)" " Index Cond: ((idlanguage = 1) AND (idrecipe = rt_1.idrecipe))" " InitPlan 2 (returns $2)" " -> Aggregate (cost=0.02..0.03 rows=1 width=32)" " -> CTE Scan on recipeslanguages rl_2 (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=4)" " -> Limit (cost=0.06..0.06 rows=1 width=12)" " -> Sort (cost=0.06..0.06 rows=1 width=12)" " Sort Key: (min(rl.num_pos))" " -> HashAggregate (cost=0.02..0.03 rows=1 width=12)" " Group Key: rl.idrecipe" " -> CTE Scan on recipeslanguages rl (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=12)" " -> Aggregate (cost=0.05..0.06 rows=1 width=8)" " -> HashAggregate (cost=0.02..0.03 rows=1 width=4)" " Group Key: rl_1.idrecipe" " -> CTE Scan on recipeslanguages rl_1 (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=4)"